In Social Media

If you are not used to interacting with people on Twitter, you probably feel frustrated that you don’t get many retweets from your Twitter followers.  When your tweets are retweeted by others, it means that they like your content and they help you spread the words.  Getting retweeted is one of the most powerful ways to get your messages to a broader audience.  That’s why many businesses are looking for ways to improve their number of retweets.  Neil Patel has created an easy-to-follow infographic giving great twitter tips on how to get more retweets.

It is true that retweeting isn’t just about tweeting about good content.  To get more retweets, you need to use the “magic words” in your tweets and tweet them at the right timing. Here are 5 twitter tips you can use right away to increase your number of retweets:

  1. Write tweets with 71-100 characters long.  It leaves space for people to add RT, @username and comment.
  2. Tweets with links are more likely to be retweeted.  For example, download an eBook.
  3. Tweet about trends using hashtags.  The top 10 popular hashtags are #nowplaying, #ff, #jobs, #fb, #tinychat, #vouconfessarque, #fail, #cot, #1 and #followingfriday.
  4. Remember to use call to action.  You need to specifically ask for retweets.  “Please Retweet” has a 51% retweet rate.  “PleaseRT” has a 39% retweet rate.
  5. The timing you tweet is very important.  You should schedule your tweets between noon to 2pm to get maximum retweets. Friday noon to 2pm is the best time to retweet.

What twitter tips do you use to get more retweets?  I would love to hear from you.


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