In Social Media

Do you know what is Twitter hashtag?

Not only people who are new to Twitter do not know what it is, many who have been tweeting for a long time don’t know too much about it.  The Twitter hashtag is a “#” symbol used to mark keyword or topic in a tweet. It is similar to a tag. You can use Twitter hashtag symbols before your keywords to categorize your tweets. For example, #Health, #Toronto, #SocialMedia.

The Twitter hashtag can be used to find your interested topic on Twitter easily. For example, if you are interested in social media, type “#SocialMedia” into the search bar. You will find a list of tweets with the same hashtag. You can also find all other Tweets with the same Twitter hashtag by clicking on the hashtaged word. It is a very powerful search technique.

Twitter Hashtag Search

To find the trend of Twitter Hashtags, go to You can search for the use of a specific Twittert hashtag,  get a trend graph over time and recent tweets. You can easily figure out what’s happening on Twitter with that hashtag from the graph.

Twitter Hashtag

A Twitter hashtag can appear anywhere in your Tweets. As a good practice, only use Twitter hashtags that are relevant to your topic and do not use more than three hashtags in a Tweet.

If you have never used a Twitter Hashtag before, try it now and have fun!

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