In Social Media

Pinterest is one of the most popular social media networks.  An estimated 47 percent of U.S. online shoppers have made purchases based on Pinterest recommendations.  No wonder Pinterest traffic has become one of the major traffic sources for eCoomerce sites.  If you are not on Pinterest yet, you definitely should use Pinterest.  I know it is hard for many solopreneurs or small business owners to add one more social network to be taken care of in their busy schedule.  Getting more followers on Pinterest seems to be a big task.  Don’t worry, there are easy ways to get more Pitnerest followers in just 5 minutes  a day.

Here are my top 10 tips to get more followers on Pinterest.

  1. Perfect your Pinterest profile – Your username should match your real name or business.  Give people a brief description of yourself or your business.  Of course, don’t forget to include a link to your website.
  2. Be generous to share – The more you share and pin images to your pin boards, the more you will get more followers.  Show your support and care to repin other people’s images.
  3. Be active – Leave your comments on the most popular pins and pin boards.
  4. Target the right people – Follow those with similar interests, they will likely follow you back.
  5. Use other social media platforms – Connect your Pinterest account to Facebook and Twitter.  You can not only share your pins on Facebook and Twitter to get more exposure but also attract those who already follow you there.
  6. SEO your pin boards – To help people searching on Pinterest to find you easily, use hashtags,   keywords and trending topics.  Of course, always use enticing description for your images to get people’s attention.
  7. Promote your pin boards – Be selective to promote your most popular boards instead of your entire account.
  8. Host a contest – This is a great way to get more people talking about you.  Make sure you always require users to follow you in order to enter the contest.  You can use call-to-actions such as “Pin to win” or “Click to enter”.
  9. Find out what has been shared – You can find out what Pinterest users are pinning from your website from  It tells you which images get most repins and who repins them.  You can also get connected with people who reppinned your content.  It is a great way to build your followers.
  10. Promote your Pinterest – Like promoting anything online and offline, remember to ask people to follow you on Pinterest in your emails to your list, on your website and on your offline marketing materials.  recently created an infographic that covers most of the above tips on how to get more followers on Pinterest. It is visual and easy for you to remember. I hope you like it.

how to get more pinterest followers

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