In featured, Make Money Online

Internet marketing beginners start with passion and excitement.  But after a while, you may feel that you don’t see the kind of success you expect.  You may wonder “Does it really work?” Oliver and I have been teaching Internet marketing courses in Toronto since 2010.   Based our extensive experience working with students and small business owners, we have come up with 21 Internet marketing tips for beginners to win big in the online world.  Even if you have been working online for a couple of years, these insider’s tips will help you go from good to great.

Here are 21 Must-read Internet Marketing Tips for Beginners:

1.    Treat your online business seriously.  Plan to build a real solid business instead of internet-marketing-tips-for-beginnersbuilding your business upon some tricks that work today and will be gone tomorrow.

2.    Don’t go from one free seminar to another hoping to learn all the
nitty-gritty free.  You will probably waste more time and money in the end.

3.    Take Internet marketing courses systematically and have access to a trustworthy mentor.

4.    Don’t be distracted by those big promises of making money without doing the work.  There is no magic “push-button” formula.

5.    Start to make money as soon as possible.  You can sell something on eBay and Amazon or offer your service to the market.  Don’t wait till you know everything.  Don’t quit your job until you make enough to support yourself and your family.

6.    Be a good storyteller because stories make people buy. Form a habit of collecting good stories.  Use compelling stories to build your brand and relationships with your audience.

7.    Define your unique selling proposition (USP).  If you don’t have a USP that differentiates yourself from the competitors on the market, you are out sooner or later.

8.    Build your list from day one and help people on your list the best you can.  Zig Ziggler said, “You don’t build a business.  You build people and then people build the business.”  It is so true in the online world.

9.    Sharpen your writing skills by creating fresh content for your blog on a regular basis.  It doesn’t matter what age we are in, it is your message that gets people take action.

10.    Improve your public speaking skills by attending a Toastmaster club.  Effective public speaking can increase your sales conversion dramatically. Plus, you need to get yourself prepared to be able to host a webinar or shoot a video.

11.    Join a group of people with the same vision, motivate each other and help each other.

12.    Be prepared to stumble on roadblocks and feel that you are lost.  Ask your mentor and your support group for help.  Don’t give up easily.

13.    Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to keep you healthy and fit physically.

14.    Listen or watch motivational speeches every day to keep you in high spirit.

15.    Subscribing too many email lists would unavoidably get your inbox flooded with all kind of messages and offers.  Unsubscribe some of them.  Don’t let other people’s agenda mess your day.

16.    Work on your content creation, lead generation funnels and campaigns.  Don’t spend hours on forums or social media.

17.    Keep your website simple at the beginning.  You don’t want to get yourself overwhelmed by the loads of work on your list.

18.    You can use outsourcing for help.  You’d better know what you need and be very careful who you choose to work with.

19.    Have a notepad handy.  Write down any new ideas that come to your mind.

20.    Create a todo list for each day and stick to it.  Set up a 30-day and 90-day plan.  If you can’t achieve all the goals, move them to the next 30-day and 90-day plan, you will finish them all eventually.  The purpose is to give you some pressure, but don’t beat yourself up too hard.  You don’t want to sacrifice your health and family life for making money online.

21.    Hanging out with your friends and having a mini-vacation once in a while will actually increase your creativity and productivity.

The above are very practical yet powerful tips for Internet marketing beginners to build a thriving online business and enjoy a happy lifestyle.  Following these Internet marketing tips, You will work smartly, make more money and enjoy life!  Start your online journey today in the right direction.  Join our mailing list to receive more insider’s tips like this.

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