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Guess what is the #1 frustration of marketing online?   It is information overload!

Online entrepreneurs are overwhelmed with too many options and too much information.  You can be busy for a whole day but accomplish nothing.  I’ve been there and I know how frustrating it can be.

The path to online prosperity is not subscribing to more newsletters and checking out every new product that comes out on the market.

Instead of trying to be perfect at everything, what if you focus on what was essential for you?

You do less . . . and accomplish far more.

Here are 5 ways to cure internet marketing overwhelm:

 #1: Start from something small

Forget about your big plan and thousands of products. Focus on a smaller niche and your best selling products first. Serve your best customers. Find out who is your ideal customer? What are their desperate problems and frustrations? What are their dreams and desires?

#2: Only produce quality content

One of our students told me that she had a hard time writing blog posts. She said she was “blocked” by blogging. I love her sense of humor 🙂

It is true you need to have at least 10-15 articles to make your new website look decent. After that, focus on producing quality content instead of dumping junk to your website. You don’t have to write a blog post every day for the sake of producing content. Think about who you want to attract using your content. Does your content answer your ideal customers’ questions? It is OK to write 2-4 posts a month, but they have to be good ones.

#3: Focus on building a system instead of being obsessed with tips and tricks.

Internet marketing tips and tricks come and go. What works last year may not work this year. It is systems and strategies that build a successful business.

Follow our proven WELCOME Lead Generation System to create your automated online lead generation systems that attract more targeted visitors to your website, generate more leads and convert the leads into sales.

#4: Create a 90-day action plan and stick to it.

Use this 90-action plan to keep track of your progress. If you can’t finish everything on the plan within 90 days, create another 90-day action plan and keep working on the ones that are not finished.

#5: Don’t be a perfectionist

Maybe your website does not look pretty.  Maybe your landing page needs more tweaking. Maybe your product still looks basic.

It doesn’t matter. Launch it. You can always improve it later.

Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder, once said

If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.

No more internet marketing overwhelm.  You work less, earn more and enjoy freedom in your life.

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